Tag: Twitter

iOS 5 Feature “Cleans” Apps to Clear Data Cache

Apple touts over 200 new features in iOS 5, which launched last October.  Many of the features are eventually discovered by users, as Apple’s marketing only touts about 10 of the headline-worthy functions that are the most relevant to everyone.  Some of the more subtle features are very helpful, particularly to developers, which in turn …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.nogginsedge.com/technology/2012/02/02/ios-5-feature-cleans-apps-to-clear-data-cache/

McDonald’s and #McFail: Advertising on Twitter Can Backfire

Earlier this week, McDonald’s encountered what some are calling a #McFail advertising campaign on Twitter.  The backlash isn’t something new, which makes one wonder why big brands continue to gamble on a platform they can’t control?  McDonald’s, using promoted tweets on Twitter, became a punching bag after promoting the #McDStories hashtag with tweets similar to this: “When …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.nogginsedge.com/marketing/2012/01/27/mcdonalds-and-mcfail-advertising-on-twitter-can-backfire/