Tag: Super Bowl

Jack Bauer and ’24’ Return During Super Bowl

Honestly, I don’t know what was worse: the Super Bowl, the commercials or the halftime show.  The only reason I continued watching the game was for the handful of suspicious, 10-second clips that hinted of a big reveal sometime later during the game.  After searching online, I learned these were covert advertisements for the reboot …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.nogginsedge.com/marketing/2014/02/05/jack-bauer-24-super-bowl/

Super Bowl 47 Delivers Mixed Range of Commercials

Millions of Americans piled into living rooms to watch the Baltimore Ravens defeat the San Francisco 49er’s, but many also tagged along just to watch the commercials, costing advertisers a whopping $3.7 million for a 60-second chance to grab viewers’ attention. I already shared my thoughts on Audi and Mercedes fumbling their ads and have …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.nogginsedge.com/marketing/2013/02/06/danny-ori-super-bowl-47-commercials/