Tag: Amazon

Amazon Enters the Living Room with Fire TV

Last week Amazon introduced their long-awaited Fire TV set-top box.  Designed to stream content from Amazon Instant Video and a seemingly endless array of third parties, such as Netflix, Hulu Plus and Showtime Anywhere, Fire TV offers some unique features.  Ultimately, the few areas where it differentiates itself – voice control, ASAP and gaming – …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.nogginsedge.com/technology/2014/04/09/amazon-fire-tv-review/

Amazon Pursuing Pay TV Options

As I read “The Everything Store,” one thing is clear to me: Amazon and Jeff Bezos are more than willing to spend money, even if there’s no clear return on investment.  While the company rakes in billions in revenue, they frequently lose money.  Amazon Prime, for example, is $79 for an annual membership and includes …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.nogginsedge.com/technology/2014/01/28/amazon-instant-video-pay-tv/