Tag: Apple

Apple Introduces iPad Air

Revolutions in technology don’t come every year.  And that’s a major problem that Apple has brought on itself, leading to unrealistic expectations from consumers and the press.  There was the iPod in 2001, iPhone in 2007 and iPad in 2010.  Each device has reshaped our society and culture in every imaginable way.  It’s also leads …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.nogginsedge.com/technology/2013/10/24/apple-introduces-ipad-air/

Apple Targets Mid-Level Smartphone Market with iPhone 5C

The power of the Apple brand, including their technology innovation, is what draws me to the company. Despite chemical weapons being used in Syria and the possibility of the United States going to war, coverage of Apple’s event last week was as powerful as ever. Something like this is not accomplished by ad spend; it’s …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.nogginsedge.com/technology/2013/09/17/apple-targets-mid-level-smartphone-market-with-iphone-5c/